West Leonard St. from Turner. 



Your annual dues and other contributions allow us to cover the minimal expenses we incur as an association.  More importantly, they enable us to  connect businesses, neighbors and visitors,  and to create partnerships around the area. We support neighborhood projects with our partners and members, seeking the overall health and promotion of the business district and its surrounding neighborhoods.



Become a supporting member yourself, and then tell your business neighbors about the work of WLBA, invite them to meetings and to participate in other ways. There's no better way to make an impact than to become an active advocate yourself. Show your commitment to this District by joining now and making an impact!


The payment platforms below are here for your convenience; feel free to use them.  They are linked to Stripe which is a safe, secure and reputable way to efficiently process payments using your credit or debit card.  Be aware that Stipe will charge WLBA 2.9% plus 30¢ for each transaction it processes on our behalf.  Download the application and mailing that in with a check will help us avoid that charge.  Or you can download the application, fill it out on your computer and send it by email to: wlbagr@gmail.com Either way, we want it to be convenient for you, so either option is fine.

Standard Membership

Standard Membership

Non-Profit Membership

Non Profit Membership

Make a special Contribution